New 2024 Courses Launching Soon!  Live Online Training Format Now Available Now!



"The neck and shoulder must be considered together in any comprehensive approach to neuro- or orthopedic rehabilitation."


"Cervical spine involvement in post-mTBI symptoms and in PCS (postconcussion syndrome) is supported by increasing evidence and is widely accepted clinically." -  Morin et al (2016)  (J Sports Med)
"Adey-Wakeling et al found the frequency of poststroke hemiplegic shoulder pain to be 29% over a 12-month follow-up period." - Adey-Wakeling et al (2015) (Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation)
"More than a third of sports injuries involve the upper extremity. Shoulder injuries are of particular interest because of the high prevalence of self-reported shoulder pain in the general population." - Enger et al (2018) (BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med)
"Persistent shoulder pain is a very common condition that often has a multifactorial underlying pathology." - Meislin et al (2005) (Am J Orthop)


An up-to-date, integrative approach to rehabilitation of the upper quarter and cervical spine, covering rehabilitation of common sports- and orthopedic pain and injury syndromes to disorders of the CNS associated with neck injury.  

This course will also cover rehabilitation of the systems of balance and oculomotor function in the context of complex, multi-system injury presentations.  


(Licensed Professional (and current students) in the following professions are welcome to attend: DPT, PT, PTA, MD, DC, DO, RN, MSN, ATC)

The program will likely be highly valuable for any experienced rehabilitation specialist seeking to update their rehabilitation system as well as for recent grads seeking to learn a practical framework from which to launch their own successful rehabilitation program.  

Practitioners proficient in many contemporary approaches to physical rehabilitation and treatment of musculoskeletal injury will likely find the FNOR approach very flexible and compatible with their current clinical approach.  


  • Dynamic Assessment of Arthrokinematics of the Upper Quarter ( a highly practical approach to assessment and management of shoulder complaints.)
  • Highly Practical and Dynamic FNOR Shoulder Rehabilitation Approach.
  • Differential Diagnosis of Shoulder Pain, Patterns of Shoulder Movement/Dysfunction, post-surgical complications, coupling of shoulder and cervical dysfunction, shoulder dysfunction in CNS disorders.
  • Whiplash, Whiplash Associated Disorders and Neck involvement in concussion.
  • Integrative Ocoluomotor and Vestibular Assessment.
  • Pain, Trauma and the CNS.
  • Assessment and Management of Complex Injury


  • Is this a course in Spinal or Joint Manipulation?
    • No.  While a number of "manual techniques" will be presented, including some that might be regarded as "mobilization of tissues, nerves and joints", this is not a course in conventional, segmental, joint manipulation/adjusting.   Those with a background in spinal manipulation will find the FNOR-therapy-matrix as a useful foundation in the rational application of joint manipulation (i.e. knowing "when and where" to apply manipulation) but these techniques will not be demonstrated (it is our experience that most attendees are quite proficient with this therapeutic "tool").
  • Are you actually going to teach anything practical?
    • We are only going to teach practical material!  This course first presents a rationale and framework that provides the practitioner with a new and current approach to lower back pain rehabilitation (a simple, rational system ... not a flowchart.)  Theory and background material is only presented to present the underlying reasoning as to the technical approaches instructed. 
    • Most of our attendees report that they completely change (mostly structure and focus) their rehabilitative approach to lower back pain following this course. 
    • This course is typically reported by attendees as the most “information rich” and broadly valuable course in the series. 
  • I've taken other Rehab Courses and even heard of some that sound like this... How is this course unique?... Why take an FNOR course?
    • The FNOR is a pioneer-program in integrative physical rehabilitation, particularly in the integration of neurorehabilitation and orthopedics, 10 years in the making!  While there are a number of excellent learning opportunities in the field of lower back pain rehab (and we owe much to the many pioneers of our time in the field), there are a number of differentiating factors that we believe bolsters the unique value of the FNOR program:
      • Experienced multi-disciplinary team (with an inter-disciplinary approach): Our program was developed by professionals from different backgrounds, with years of experience in therapeutic approaches including: emergency medicine, pre- and post-surgical care, frontline primary care, CAM, 'functional neurology', pharmacology and physical therapy.  
      • Highly Practical, Original Approach:  The FNOR approach has been developed in the high volume, primarily orthopedic physical therapy (physiotherapy) environment.  There are no "frills or fluff" or "gimmicky" techniques.  The FNOR-approach favors high-leverage interventions (independent of "techniques") and is highly efficient as a consequence...  
      • The primary goal is GETTING PATIENTS OUT OF PAIN FAST!: We doubt there is a system developed today that can do this more consistently than FNOR!  In our view, there isn't much value to any approach to a painful condition (like lower back pain) that doesn't resolve pain with fast and frequently. 
      • Unique Application of Diagnostic Technologies: The use of current technologies like video kinematics provides a unique, modern dimension to the very modern, FNOR approach. 


  • The base rate for this course (as with each of the 3-day, 25 hour, FNOR modules) is $1,250 (US).  An early bird registration rate of $1050 is offered for registrations made 60 days ahead.   
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    Course Cancellation Policy

    All Cancellations must be made within 60 days from the date of purchase to be eligible for a refund. Cancellations made less 30 calendar days prior to the course start date will not receive a full refund. All cancellations made less than 30 days prior to the course start date will be refunded, minus a $350 cancellation fee. Cancellations made within 10 days of a course are not eligible for a refund but fees already paid may be applied as a credit to a future, FNOR course, within 12 calendar months of the course that is being canceled (minus a $350 cancellation fee).  Online Courses are subject to cancellation policies on a case-by-case basis (i.e. cancellation policies for online courses will be stated at the point of registration.)  Please note that travel arrangements should not be made until confirmation that registration in a course has been received and approved to avoid change fees. While every reasonable effort is made to hold courses as advertised, FNOR reserves the right to make changes to any course, including changing instructors or course site and canceling any course date to accommodate for unexpected occurrences. Upon registration for a course, course registrants assume all responsibility and agree to hold FNOR and its course sponsors harmless for any expenses that might be incurred for changes in travel arrangements resulting from any course changes or unexpected events.Course Cancellation Policy:

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    Course Cancellation Policy

    All Cancellations must be made within 60 days from the date of purchase to be eligible for a refund. Cancellations made less 30 calendar days prior to the course start date will not receive a full refund. All cancellations made less than 30 days prior to the course start date will be refunded, minus a $350 cancellation fee. Cancellations made within 10 days of a course are not eligible for a refund but fees already paid may be applied as a credit to a future, FNOR course, within 12 calendar months of the course that is being canceled (minus a $350 cancellation fee).  Online Courses are subject to cancellation policies on a case-by-case basis (i.e. cancellation policies for online courses will be stated at the point of registration.)  Please note that travel arrangements should not be made until confirmation that registration in a course has been received and approved to avoid change fees. While every reasonable effort is made to hold courses as advertised, FNOR reserves the right to make changes to any course, including changing instructors or course site and canceling any course date to accommodate for unexpected occurrences. Upon registration for a course, course registrants assume all responsibility and agree to hold FNOR and its course sponsors harmless for any expenses that might be incurred for changes in travel arrangements resulting from any course changes or unexpected events.Course Cancellation Policy:


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